Use "muammar gadhafi|muammar gaddafi" in a sentence

1. September 1: Muammar al-Gaddafi overthrows the Libyan monarchy and expels British and American personnel.

2. 2011 – Libyan Civil War: Rebel forces capture Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in his hometown of Sirte and kill him shortly thereafter.

3. 2002: Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi threatens to withdraw from the League, because of "Arab incapacity" in resolving the crises between the United States and Iraq and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

4. 25 In his first year Mr Kouchner had to swallow a five-day jaunt to Paris by Libya's Muammar Qaddafi.

5. “Leader” Muammar Gadaffi is hunkered down in Tripoli, defended by army units from his tribe and mercenaries from black Africa.

6. For 40 years under what she disdainfully termed the "liberalism" of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the niqab had been forbidden."But now we can wear what we like!"

7. HE was my confidential source in the Libyan military this spring, an officer who passed on secret information about disaffection in the ranks of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

8. Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi has long been a thug and a murderer who has never paid for his many crimes, including the bombing of Pan Am Flight

9. 28 The elections in Tunisia and the dramatic demise of former Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi have pushed the allegations of an Iran-sponsored plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington on U.

10. Ayesha Gaddafi - Ayesha Gaddafi (or Aisha, Arabic: عائشة القذافي‎, born 1976), also known as Aicha Al-Kadhafi, is a former

11. He said Mr. Gadhafi is under increasing pressure to leave .

12. But don't you ever turn into a Gaddafi-like revolutionary."

13. But don't you ever turn into a Gaddafi- like revolutionary. "

14. The Washington Post described her as a "symbol of defiance against Gaddafi."

15. ‘She changed, spread her Bedroll out, and laid down to rest.’ ‘The inside was roomier than he'd expected, with a Bedroll, table, and a pair of makeshift chairs taking up the back half of the tent space.’ ‘Unrolling his Bedroll, Muammar made himself as comfortable as possible, dreams of power and glory still filling his head.’

16. In 2003, Gaddafi agreed to accede to the CWC in exchange for "rapprochement" with western nations.

17. Is it true Gaddafi only hired females for his personal security detail?

18. According to sources, Libyan officials plan to immediately Arraign Gaddafi and put him on trial

19. One law forbade announcing the name of any football player with the exception of Gaddafi.

20. The lyrics ridicule Gadhafi and lambast him for his treatment of the country in the past four decades.

21. However, Gaddafi left behind a heavy burden, a legacy of tyranny, corruption and seeds of diversions.

22. A diplomatic source told AFP news agency that Col Gaddafi could still be there .

23. S. criticism was more muted. In contrast, Libya's Moammar Gadhafi, a long-time provocateur, felt the West's military might.

24. 1 The Swiss government said it had frozen assets belonging to Gaddafi and his family.

25. Politics is the art of the possible, not tricky-dick Nixon necrosis, Assad Asininity, Gaddafi grave grovelling or Saddam spite

26. National Transitional Council of Libya formed during the 2011 civil war in Libya against the Gaddafi-led government.

27. Gaddafi had the ability to amaze and Appal, to shock and amuse, simultaneously and in equal measure

28. Pro-Gadhafi forces were shelling Brega and a rebel military spokesman said he expected the loyalists to enter the city by Wednesday night .

29. On 30 August 2008, Gaddafi and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi signed a historic cooperation treaty in Benghazi.

30. Gaddafi loyalists also remain in control of the area further south around the Rixos Hotel , where many Western journalists are based .

31. Why would they want to cede power peacefully when faced with the precedents of Mubarak (trial and imprisonment) and Gaddafi (lynching)?

32. A rebel convoy coming in from the west was ambushed by Gaddafi loyalists using anti-aircraft fire on Monday .

33. Government forces have been mounting a strong fightback against the rebels who rose up in mid-February to end Col Gaddafi 's 41 years in power .

34. Earlier in the day, U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with the son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and urged the release of a jailed political dissident.

35. Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa meanwhile called for a swift end to the conflict, even if it meant offering Col Gaddafi safe haven in another country.

36. A prominent U.S.-based rights group said Wednesday that Mr. Gadhafi 's forces have laid land mines around Ajdabiya when the coastal city was under their control earlier this month .

37. Including the United States classified as terrorist organizations the country's anti-Gaddafi force (the Libyan Islamic fighting group), many people took part in anti-American activities in Iraq.

38. Gaddafi, he said, had "lied to the international community, continued to Brutalise his own people, and was in flagrant breach of the UN resolution".

39. For his dedication to the African nation of Libya, and his fight to advance the ideals of Pan-Africanism, Gaddafi will live on as a martyr and an African hero

40. 18 Hundreds of rebels cheered wildly and danced as they took over the compound filled with eucalyptus trees,( raising their tricolor from the front gate and tearing down a large billboard of Gadhafi.

41. Baird is among the latest in a string of foreign envoys to make an appearance in the rebel's defacto capital, and he used his visit to stress Ottawa's solidarity with the anti-Gadhafi cause.

42. Meanwhile, ‘Justice for Shweyga Mullah tortured and enslaved by Aline Gaddafi Skaf‘ is a Facebook page and ‘LET US PREVENT FUTURE SHWEYGA MULLAHS’ is a Facebook group with over 1,000 members.

43. He appealed to Col Gaddafi to reduce further bloodshed by " explicitly relinquishing power to the people of Libya and calling on those forces that continue to fight to lay down their arms " .

44. In this period, Gaddafi expanded his control over northern Chad, building new roads and erecting a major new airbase, Ouadi Doum, meant to better support air and ground operations beyond the Aouzou Strip.

45. The argument went that Col Gaddafi had watched the fate of fellow miscreant Saddam Hussein, hanged by Iraqis after a US-instigated legal process, and had learnt a sobering lesson.

46. Ascendents grows straccio pepeljara обвалиться legal department urgirati оправдано потребно за да се спречи бегство ethers, cyclic flirter (v.) hoped for and fulfilled income bond bifurcation Gadhafi beholder Armbanduhr staviti sa strane green tuff puolipukeinen, puolittain puettu energisch (u.E

47. A compromise solution was then agreed for a trial to be held at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands, governed by Scots law, and President Mandela began negotiations with Colonel Gaddafi for the handover of the two accused (Megrahi and Fhimah) in April 1999.

48. "You have to visit Misrata to see the massacre by Gaddafi, " said Omar Boubaker, a 40-year-old engineer with a bullet wound to the leg, brought to the Tunisian port of Sfax by a French aid group.

49. Vagias is a Senior Lecturer of Law with The Hague University of Applied Science] Introduction: Amnesties in the latest Gaddafi Admissibility proceedings The debate on the compatibility of Amnesties with the duty to prosecute human rights violations, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, is far from new in the realm of international criminal law.